Starring Role: Topics Master


The Table Topics Master is a fun and creative role that presents the opportunity to develop a rapport with the audience, while presenting a fun activity that encourages audience members to present short speeches on impromptu subjects. In its simplest form, the Table Topics Master asks questions of participants who then respond for a minimum of one minute to a maximum of two minutes. Because of the time expected from participants, it is important for the Table Topics Master to provide open-ended questions that provide a starting point for participants to build into a short speech.

The goal of Table Topics is to provide participants an opportunity to think on their feet in a safe environment.  Over time, members will learn to construct an effective and structured answer to a posed question without hesitation. As Table Topics Master, one’s job is to provide a supportive environment for members, encouraging them to step up and try their hand at impromptu speaking.

The number of question-and-answer sessions will vary from meeting to meeting depending on the agenda and run time of the meeting. On average, you can expect around 2 to 5 questions to be asked and answered during a meeting.  Verify the timing with the Toastmaster if you feel you may be running out of time.  The Table Topics Master will want to have a variety of questions on hand and perhaps overprepare to minimize delays. 

Before the Meeting

Prior to the meeting, the Table Topics Master should prepare a list of topics or questions.  These may be based around a theme, images, group storytelling, or “sell the object.”  Many additional options can be found online by searching for “Table Topics ideas.”

During the Meeting

During the meeting, the Table Topics Master will give a description of their role, giving information on timing and inviting visitors to participate if they choose (see Describe Your Role, below).  The Table Topics Master will then present the topics.  Alternate methods include inviting speakers before or after the question is given or simply assigning topics to members.  Participation should be encouraged, but no one should be forced to speak.  People with other roles in the meeting, especially Evaluators, should be excluded, or asked last.

In some programs/clubs, the Table Topics Master will ask for a timer’s report and voting for Table Topics at the end of this section.

After the Meeting

No tasks.


Time management, preparation, facilitation

Benefits Gained from this Role

Whether it’s participating in a brainstorming session, interviewing a notable individual, or getting to know a person more intimately, being able to draw out answers from people you’ve asked questions of is an important skill that helps to develop relationships and fosters clear communication that can be directed to a number of objectives in life.

Describe Your Role

As Topics Master, I will be presenting a series of questions for audience members to answer in impromptu speeches of one to two minutes. This will allow members the chance to practice their public speaking skills alongside their wit in a low-key environment for a short period of time. Visitors are welcome to participate but are not required to do so if uncomfortable. Remember to speak until you reach the green notification from the Timer.

Topics Master Review

To be reviewed by Topics Master before the meeting

Answer these 3 questions (multiple choice):

  1. The skills for a Table Topics Master include:
    1. Listening, time management, grammar
    2. Time management, recording, reporting
    3. Listening, impromptu speaking, grammar
  2. Participants have how long to answer a Table Topic Question?
    1. 2-3 minutes
    2. 5-7 minutes
    3. 3-5 minutes
  3. Visitors are:
    1. Welcome to participate in Table Topics
    2. Encouraged but not required to speak
    3. Included in the voting for best Table Topics
Starring Role does not include any additional forms for the Topics Master role.