
Your Why: Finding Your Purpose

For newer members -- especially the more introverted -- participating even in an objectively supportive Toastmasters meeting can still be daunting. Everyone progresses at their own pace, and there is definite value in fixing in your mind the reason or reasons you sought out the growth opportunity in the first place. Knowing this purpose can help provide the spark or personal push you might sometimes need to sign up for a new role, to volunteer during Table Topics, or to take center stage and deliver your Icebreaker.

Five Whys is an interrogative technique first proposed in the 1930s by Sakichi Toyoda of Toyota Motors, intended to explore the root cause-and-effect relationships of a problem by repeatedly asking the question "Why?" Any parent of a four-year-old is likely familiar with this method as exemplified by the following conversation:

  • Mom: Brush your teeth.
  • Child: Why?
  • Mom: Because we brush our teeth at bedtime.
  • Child: Why?
  • Mom: So you don't sleep with food on your teeth.
  • Child: Why?
  • Mom: Because food can damage your teeth.
  • Child: Why?
  • Mom: Because food contains acid and other harmful substances.
  • Child: Why?
  • Mom: Because those substances are helpful in our tummies!

By now, you're probably itching to the cut the conversation short and might refuse to answer any further questions, at least until after teeth are scrubbed clean. Consider, however, just how much information was gleaned by simply repeating this one word sentence!

You can employ this technique when it comes to finding your purpose in Toastmasters, starting with the simple question of "Why did you join Toastmasters?" Your answer may be as simple as "to become more comfortable when speaking in front of a crowd," but you should then ask yourself why such a skill is important to you. Your answer might be "because being able to speak in front of a crowd will help me earn a promotion" or "because I want to be able to share what I know with others." You should continue asking yourself "why?" until you feel you can go no further. You may find that your root reason for having become a Spirited Speech Master is more intimate than you are comfortable sharing with others, but you can use this purpose to motivate you when you're experiencing stage fright -- or if you're not even certain you want to attend this week's meeting.

The process of finding your Why can be uncomfortable, but the end result can provide tremendous value and even inspiration.

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